Time is Brain! Can VR Help Stroke Survivors? Return to Work after Stroke?
Hot off the press: News and fascinating studies on stroke from Medscape. Mobile stroke units are helping save lives. (360 degree image.)...

“When I heard how much rehab and services you got, I got mad!”
So wrote a stroke survivor who attended my show. He went on: “I guess you got special treatment because you were a doctor, and you...

Pearls from Yale's 100 Years of Women in Medicine: Wrap of East Coast Visit
As if my East Coast week wasn’t packed enough! Yale Medical School held a daylong Celebration and Reflection of 100 Years of Women, so...

First TV interview & Bonus: Recovering lost friends and making new ones!
Linda Moore, (on my left with neon green cast), a Stanford classmate with whom I reconnected last year at our Reunion, attended my Drexel...

So much fun bringing the show back home, Part 2:
Picking up where I left off in end May! If that's been way too long, part 1 outlined the first 18 months of developing My Stroke of Luck....

Jet Set? Home to the East Coast days after Logan’s graduation.
First stop, Philadelphia, home of the Liberty Bell, a city in which I have never before spent time, but where my father and grandfather...

Smorgesbord!!! And oh, what a whirlwind!
Just now catching my breath after a month on the road. Exhilarating, exciting, eye opening and exhausting! Had a few days home after a ...

Courage: Facing What Frightens Us the Most
Courage! Thank you so much for your messages in response to last week’s post on my first speaking events. I was able to read a few...

Glorious week! Popped a cherry!
Confess, never liked that expression! Felt it crude and rude. But after giving my first ever “Inspirational Speaker” talks this week,...

"Do you think the way you were treated after your stroke was because of race?"
Another audience question from talkback following performance of My Stroke of Luck. The deficiencies in my treatment, both at discharge...