It's a wrap: gratitudes and lessons from My Stroke of Luck
Couldn't resist Bearded Collies bearing eggs, eggs being the ancient symbol of the earth, creation and life energy, the pagan symbol of...

"How can you do the same show over and over again?"
I'm asked that a lot. But that question assumes that the actor simply delivers the same performance every show. In fact, nothing could...

Bathing in laughter, feeling cozy, warm and fuzzy...
No, not curled up in bed, though that is one of my favorite pass times! In the theater! Thursday morning was cold and rainy, not an...

This will make you change your New Year's resolutions!
"Keep the faith and keep on living in the moment. That's what I learned from this stroke." No, not my words. The words of Brian W., a...

This will make you rethink your holiday shopping!
Still searching for that unique gift for that special person? You'd think a young man would remember his first car. But this photo,...