"You seem like there's nothing wrong with you."
"Thank you!" That's an observation an audience member makes at every Talkback. Then comes the question of how I am different since my...

So, what keeps an artist going through the down times?
Happily back to performing My Stroke of Luck at The Marsh, San Francisco after a two- week break. YES! So, down times, can't really own...

"How could they just send you home from the neurologic ICU, messed up as you were?"
That question was from an audience member following a performance of My Stroke of Luck at The Marsh, San Francisco. (I'm dedicating this...

This will make you rethink your holiday shopping!
Still searching for that unique gift for that special person? You'd think a young man would remember his first car. But this photo,...

"Silver linings exist, though it might take a while for your eyes to adjust to see them."
Photo, 1995, Xtapa, Mexico, Takeshi in arms, Logan watching, iguana waiting! Thank you, Dr. Bob Stein, Kaiser San Rafael. Your words...

THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU! Thanks to all of you who've come out to The Marsh, San Francisco, talked up my show, put fliers up in...

What a difference a venue makes!
So here I am, two performances into my 6 week run at The Marsh with my solo show, My Stroke of Luck! Something beyond my wildest dreams...

HOME AGAIN, HOME AGAIN, JIGGETY JIGG! Wrote this last week before the fires...
With a landmark college reunion last week, distracted, never hit send! In the meantime, so much tragic disruption and loss has engulfed...

So many people come up to me after performances of My Stroke of Luck commenting, “You are one brave woman,” or “How courageous to share...