What Keeps Me Up At Night
"I used to think I was pretty much just a regular person. But I was born white into a two-parent household, which now labels me as...
It Takes a Village to Develop a Solo Show.
Painting of The Marsh, San Francisco, by Anthony Holdsworth. This week I'm sharing a wonderful article on The Marsh. It's a great...
It’s a wrap!! This one is short and sweet!
Photo: On vacation in Newcastle, Australia April 2019, port on Dave Koz (Smooth Jazz and more) Cruise Closed an awesome run last night at...
It has been so much fun bringing the show back home!
Though, with only two more performances at The Marsh Berkeley, that fun will soon end. And by home, I mean not just to the Bay Area...
No complaints, but insanely busy last few weeks...
And busy in all the right ways, to steal a phrase from Mel Brooks. He used those words to describe Ann Randolph, genius, solo performer,...
Yes, an audience of 20 something medical students is light years from an audience of engaged seniors
And the fun is in getting to play to both! (Above, Central Park March 2019) That was biggest discovery from the last 10 days performing...
So much fun bringing the show back home, Part 2:
Picking up where I left off in end May! If that's been way too long, part 1 outlined the first 18 months of developing My Stroke of Luck....
It's a wrap: gratitudes and lessons from My Stroke of Luck
Couldn't resist Bearded Collies bearing eggs, eggs being the ancient symbol of the earth, creation and life energy, the pagan symbol of...
"Silver linings exist, though it might take a while for your eyes to adjust to see them."
Photo, 1995, Xtapa, Mexico, Takeshi in arms, Logan watching, iguana waiting! Thank you, Dr. Bob Stein, Kaiser San Rafael. Your words...
Thank you all who've come out! You've been great audiences! And your feedback has been wonderful and helpful! I am so heartened by...