Not One of Us
The murder of George Floyd inspired my latest solo performance piece, exploring the intersection of race, class, privilege and gender in my life. The work addresses systemic racism, including medical discrepancies as I experienced them, in medical school at Yale, on an OB-GYN rotation in Lagos, Nigeria, in training in San Francisco and finally as a stroke patient!
Not One of Us
“Bold and Provocative.”
"Spectacular!” "Brilliant!" “Beautiful!”
"Loved and was so moved.” "Deft, spare." "Transporting." “Inspiring!”
"Thank you for an enchanting tale told brilliantly."
"I hope your performance gets broadcast to a much wider audience as such consciousness raising is necessary to enable more parity, trust and confidence between patients and doctors, healthcare & front line workers, regardless of race, ethnicity, religion, sex & gender preference, etc."
Upcoming Performances
Watch this Space
Playground SoloFest Potrero Stage & Simulcast
Past Performances
UCSF, Santa Clara Medical Center,
Diversity Training Courses
Brian Copeland Presents:
the Best of San Francisco Solo Series
Watch Excerpts Now:
Tell It On Tuesday MarshStream
Tell It On Tuesday MarshStream
Excerpt: (Nigeria/Motherland)
Not One of Us
Begins at 25:25
(click for sound)
Sneak preview of work in progress:
What We Carry:
An exploration of family footprints​