Thank you all who've come out! You've been great audiences! And your feedback has been wonderful and helpful! I am so heartened by how especially meaningful the show has been for those whose lives have been touched by stroke, brain injury, parenting, learning disabilities, loss of identity as well as those in the rehab and medical communities... the list goes on and on! So though I worried that a run might be exhausting, you have helped make it totally invigorating. Added bonus for me: reconnecting with so many of you from eons past (elementary school!), and making new ones.
Thanks to the generosity of talkback speakers, we've opened worlds of endless possibiities! Patricia Ryan Madson, Phd's (Author of Improv Wisdom: Don't Prepare, Just Show Up) talk inspired a bunch of folk to sign up for improv classes! Ann Randolph (Inappropriate in all the Right Ways, Loveland) interviewed me about my creative process, sharing hers and some of her "in the trenches" stories! Talk about getting the creative juices going! Jerry Jampolsky M.D. (Author of Love is Letting Go of Fear) and Diane Circincione, PhD, founders of Attitudinal Healing International spoke on forgiveness, releasing anger and healing. Speakers till to come: Patricia Gill, Exec Director of The Schurig Center for Brain Injury Recovery on recovery resources and creating community for optimal recovery 11/30, and Kathleen Sexton, CEO and founder of Kairos Learning on transitions and reinvention 12/9.
What a ride! From the stroke, to my recovery, to choosing to leave medicine, to one improv class (Patricia's) called Show Up For Your Life, to finding David Ford at the Marsh to the run, this has been one roller coaster of a ride!
But without an audience, no show! So I thank you!
These next few weeks are my last Bay Area appearences this year; spring I hit the road again. So catch it here while you can!
Have a great holiday weekend! (Bring the family to my show on Saturday! Hope to see you in the theater!
The Marsh San Francisco Upstairs Theater
1062 Valencia Street, San Francisco, CA, United States
Saturday, November 25, 2017 8:00 PM —
Saturday, December 9, 2017 6:30 PM PST
Get in Touch
Diane Barnes