"Silver linings exist, though it might take a while for your eyes to adjust to see them."
Photo, 1995, Xtapa, Mexico, Takeshi in arms, Logan watching, iguana waiting!
Thank you, Dr. Bob Stein, Kaiser San Rafael. Your words after seeing My Stroke of Luck at The Marsh, San Francisco, my final show before the holidays, last night, Saturday 12/9, inspired this post! (With gratitude!)
July 3, 2005, when I finally drove myself to Kaiser Hospital San Rafael, 20 hours after the worst headache of my life, I drove past the Emergency Room entrance to the far end of the employee parking lot, where my car would be safe left indefinitely (clock that- taking better care of my car than myself)!
"Downstairs to Radiology first," I thought, "Let my images speak for me." A diagnostic radiologist, trained to interpret images, I knew a picture speaks more than 10,000 words. (Yes, but, OY! For those of you who know how the improv mantra, Yes, AND! and how that changed my life, and those of you who know triage and emergency care priorities, KNOW you are cringing! )
So, walked into the CT suite. My favorite tech was on duty.
"Yo, Dr. B, you be looking casual! You not working today. What you be doing here?"
My response, "I have the worst headache of my life. I need a CT scan," made her back away, cancel the next patient, and put me on the table.
When the scan was done, I hopped off the table. "No, Dr. B, don't go. You need a guerney! Let me call for help!"
But I bolted for the ER.
As I spoke to the intake nurse, a warm, wonderful, familiar face suddenly appeared- Dr. Bob Stein. Professional, confident, heart open, smiling, warm, but his eyes told me my worst nightmare was confirmed.
Yes, he had the CT results, what the tech had already seen; I had a hemorrhagic stroke in my dominant left hemisphere!
So how do you go from your own worst nightmare to your own best life?
Can't answer for you, can only share my story. Maybe you will find yourself in it, or someone you love, cared for, turned away from, reflected on.
If you are like me, a survivor of brain injur
y, hope, courage, the strength to demand the services you need (or find an advocate who can), to trust that the brain is infinitely plastic, and that as long as you work hard, you can recover so much more than all the naysayers predict is my wish in sharing my story with you.
If you're lucky enough not to be counted amongst us (though if you add breast cancer, HIV/Aids, spinal cord injury and MS together, way FEWER than we), my show is really about overcoming seemingly insurmountable odds, of how love triumphs adversity and how you can turn anything into an opportunity.
And it's entertaining, educational and funny! (Check FB page or my web site for audience testimonials.)
Thank you if you have come to the show. If you haven't, won't you join me in the theater? Regular priced tickets start at only $20. And won't you help me spread the word about the new dates? Please feel free to forward this!
My Stroke of Luck, EXTENDED! January 4- February 3 The Marsh SF
Thurs @ 8 PM, Sat @ 5 PM, Sun 1/21 & 1/28 @ 2PM
Below, see what an MD and Phd have to say about My Stroke of Luck (less than 30second video, my first attempt at close captioning! ). Thank you, Drs Alpert!